A network expansion is necessary when there is a need to extend and/or augment the distribution network to connect a new customer’s electrical installation.  A capital cost is incurred and does not fully cover the energy charge for the electricity supply.

Where an extension (new line) or augmentation (upgrade) of the low voltage network is needed to connect a customer, Te Aponga Uira’s policy is to contribute to the cost on the basis of one half of of one span (pole to pole) of distribution line for each new customer connected.

If the supply requirements to the new customer(s) cannot be provided from the existing low voltage network, it will be necessary to augment the network or install a new substation.  A capital contribution will be required from the customer(s) towards the costs involved.

When a customer indicates their intention to proceed with a new installation or load installation that will require an extension and/or augmentation of the low voltage distribution network, a formal proposal letter is to be forwarded to the customer.

A full design, quote and proposal letter should be able to be provided to a developer within a month of request and payment of any design fee that may be requested by TAU. A design to extend the line is produced. The design may consider either an overhead or an underground line. The choice between overhead and underground is made by TAU and is determined on the technical aspects of network operation. Impact of loading and voltage variations is a vital consideration.

The total cost of each installation may vary depending on the distance of the site from the network, the topography of the area and the most importantly whether the line is underground or overhead. To overcome this problem an average cost or standard charge is used.

For more information please contact our Customer Service team on  Ph:+682-20054 or email

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer support team



Tutakimoa, Rarotonga
Cook Islands.
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