Special Assistance Allowance

This is a special electricity rate that will be applied to the electricity bill of the approved recipient. Anyone who uses certain medical devices (life support equipment) because of a medical condition, may qualify for this assistance. Total electricity consumed by the approved life-support equipment, per month, that will be deducted from the total consumption of the associated power connection. The consumption by the life support equipment will be metered separately using a TAU supplied and approved meter.

To qualify, the customer must complete a ‘Special Assistance Allowance’ application form. The form must also be completed by their physician (MD only) and the customer must reside in a house that has a domestic power connection with TAU. If approved, a special electricity rate will be applied to the electricity bill of the approved recipient or customer. As a good corporate citizen, Te Aponga Uira (TAU) recognises the responsibility that extends beyond that of generating and retailing electricity on Rarotonga.

How to apply for the ‘Special Assistance Allowance’.

  1. ‘Special Assistance Allowance’ application form.
  2. Complete the ‘Special Assistance Allowance Application’ form.
    Note: Part 1 must be completed by the Customer and Part 2 must be completed by a registered Medical Doctor.
  3. Customer Services will verify and confirm the outcome of your application once submitted. This will take approximately 1-2 normal business days.

For more information please contact our Customer Services team on Phone: +682-20054 or Email: enquiries@electricity.co.ck

Ministry of Internal Affairs Power Subsidy
Did you know that you could be entitled to INTAFF’s ‘Power Subsidy’?
The purpose of the subsidy is to help vulnerable Cook Islands Welfare beneficiaries with power bill costs.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer support team



Tutakimoa, Rarotonga
Cook Islands.
Phone: +682-20054 | Email: enquiries@electricity.co.ck

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