Te Aponga Uira (TAU) recently met with Te Aronga Mana to share what’s top of mind for customers around the island. These engagements were part of our work to understand what information customers want to know about, and how we can best communicate with them.
During the engagements, the Board, Management, and Aronga Mana shared perspectives around the issues customers care about, and TAU’s strategic direction and priorities. Topics included understanding TAU’s renewable energy aspirations and challenges, Rarotonga’s ageing electricity infrastructure and plans for upgrades, and how to understand TAU’s invoicing and billing system.
During these discussions, TAU noted that some information which is publicly available is not well known, so we’d like to draw your attention to:
TAU extends its thanks to Puaikura, Takitumu and Ta Au O Tonga Aronga Mana for their time and insights, and looks forward to more community engagement in the new year.